ACF is a non-profit non-government organization (NGO) registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria. We are guided by a Board of Trustees composed of experienced Nigerian practitioners, academics, and administrators. Founded in 2018 by Mr. Abiodun Aribisala. ACF has offices in Lagos and Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State, all in Nigeria.
To contribute to community development in Ijesa North through education and skill development, healthcare, and economic empowerment for the less privileged
To create a better everyday life for the people of Ijesa North.
ACF aims to enable underserved communities to experience sustainable development in areas such as education, healthcare, and economic growth. We are active in deprived communities, seeking to break the vicious cycle of poverty, illiteracy, disease, unemployment, and malnutrition affecting men, women, and children in these areas. Our initial scope which was alleviating hunger in these communities has expanded to include skill acquisition and economic empowerment, provision of healthcare infrastructure, and human resource development through education.